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Critique: Great game. I play it all the time! The only problem is, it needs new levels. I like it and play it all the time, like I said, and the levels are easy and I blew through them all. Now I have been waiting for so long for new levels! I am disappointed. I have been waiting years now. Also, there is this stuff called plutonium and it is really hard to get, and drones and outfits and to even speed up your production of drinks and snacks cost too much, and at this point, the only way to get it is to pay for it, which is disappointing. And I also think that they should stop making some types of zombies be found more than other types of zombies. It is really annoying. Other than that, the game is pretty great, and I suggest getting it. Barely any ads! You will definitely only watch ads when you want free zombies. If you are able to accept some flaws and glitches,( I had a glitch where the zombies I was saving up, well some of them, had weird looking faces that were not actual made up zombies in the game. It was weird!) you should get this game because I promise you, you will love it!
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Publish Date: 2014-10-29
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